Gökhan Taş

President of MasterTürk Group

The founder of our company, Dr. Gökhan Taş was born on May 16, 1974.

The first commercial venture of our founder, who started his higher education career at Gata Faculty of Medicine in 1991 and completed it with his graduation from Trakya University Faculty of Medicine, was Erikli Su Istanbul Corporate Dealership, which he took on in 1998, when he was only 24 years old.

Our founder, who carefully followed the developments in the real estate sector and the opportunities in line with this development, which he was interested in throughout this eight-year process, opened the franchise office of a global brand in Istanbul's İkitelli Basın Ekspres District in 2006 and started sales and rental transactions, mainly commercial real estate.

Our founder, who has become an inspiration to tens of thousands of entrepreneurs with his book "Get Out, I'm Not a Doctor" and his trainings called "From Millionaire to Millionaire", in addition to his success in becoming the World Turnover Championship 2 times and the Turkish Turnover Championship 4 times between 2006 and 2012 with his team of 32 people, is also an inspiration to tens of thousands of entrepreneurs. As of April 2013, it acquired the Master Franchise rights of Coldwell Banker, the world's first global real estate consultancy brand, in 2018, another global giant, Era Real Estate, and in 2022, the Century 21 brand, one of the world's most widespread and well-known real estate consultancy brands. and brought extraordinary values ​​to the real estate sector in Turkey.

Dr. is also the founder of the real estate development company called Premier Yapı, which will present the construction projects it will develop on its own lands to investors with 360-degree service, through the muzayede.com platform, which continues to grow rapidly as Turkey's first real estate and automobile marketing portal. As of 2022, Gökhan Taş continues its commercial activities of global brands for which it has Master Franchise rights and national brands under its own ownership, under the umbrella of Mastertürk, with its expert staff of nearly 100 people.

Dr. attaches special importance to the concept of "family" in his business and private life. Gökhan Taş is married and the father of twin daughters Hayal Ceren and Öykü Şirin, and twin sons Umut Yaman and Deniz Boran.

Franchise Satış Departmanı

Bora Demir
Franchise Sales Coordinator
Gizem Kavi
Franchise Sales Operations Director
Orçun Taşkıran
Ömer Celep
Efe Ergezer
Franchise Satış Yöneticisi
Erdem Evren
Melisa Kurt

Franchise Geliştirme Departmanı

Aynur Tüzün
Franchise Development Coordinator
Sülün Yalçın
Franchise Field Development Manager
Halide İpteş
Franchise Field Development Manager
Tolga Gençoğlu
Franchise Field Development Manager
Hayal Ceren Taş
Franchise Field Development Manager
İmge Argun
Franchise Field Development Manager
Hatice Kübra Şimşek
Franchise Field Development Manager
Hilal Çelebi
Franchise Field Development Manager
Şevki Çomoğlu
Franchise Field Development Manager
Şahin Bayır
Franchise Field Development Manager
Gülyaren Özen
Franchise Development Specialist
Melek Cesurer
Franchise Development Specialist
Beyza Dirican
Franchise Development Specialist

Eğitim ve Gelişim Departmanı

Elvin Umut
Education Director
Begüm Batur
Tolga Gençoğlu
Sülün Yalçın

Organizasyon ve İş Geliştirme Departmanı

Halil Duman
Organization and Business Development Director
Batuhan Aktürk
Organization Manager

Marketing and Corporate Communications Department

Serkan Çetinel
Marketing and Corporate Communications Manager
Batuhan Aktürk
Support Specialist
Ceyda Dirican
Social Media Expert
Bedirhan Yılmaz
Yusuf Kılıç
Sr. Art Director
Gülden Agat
İlara Küçükinciyan

Bilgi Sistemleri Departmanı

Gökay Camadan
Information Systems Specialist
Birol Gökkaya
Information Systems Specialist
Batuhan Aktürk
Support Specialist

İnsan Kaynakları Departmanı

Öykü Taş
Human Resources Manager

Uluslararası İlişkiler Departmanı

Hayal Ceren Taş
International Relations Coordinator
Beyza Dirican
International Relations Manager

Finans Departmanı

Şaban İşler
Finance and Accounting Coordinator
Yalçın Alikoç
Financial Affairs Manager
Mahir Güven
Accounting Manager
Aylin Toprak
Accounting Specialist
Demet Hanbal
Finance Expert

Satın Alma ve İdari İşler Departmanı

Uğur Tunç
Purchasing and Administrative Affairs Coordinator
Yılmaz Taş
Audit and Administrative Affairs Specialist
Ahmet Yıldız
Administrative Affairs Officer
Gamze Alkılıç
Istanbul Headquarters Office Assistant
Berrak Falay
Izmir Regional Directorate Office Assistant